Saturday, August 31, 2019

Bantu education and source analysis Essay

1. The main aims of the Bantu Education Act were mainly (at least according to Dr. Verwoerd) to transform education for natives into Bantu education, which will teach them things they will need to know in their lives. This is stated clearly in Source A, where Dr. Verwoerd is quoted saying â€Å"Education must train and teach people in accordance with their opportunities in life, according to the sphere in which they live.† Reading between the lines, Dr. Verwoerd is saying that the Bantu are an inferior race that will never be equal to the whites, and that it would be a waste of resources and effort to try and teach them things they will never need to know. By saying the he almost directly suggests that the blacks should be kept down, as it would be absolutely ridiculous to try and teach him mathematics, for example, when all he will ever amount to is a farmer or a tailor. I In Source C it is directly stated that, as most blacks will become agriculturists, the most useful things that can be taught to them are gardening and needlework. He doesn’t even give the blacks a chance, immediately dismissing them as complete idiots whom wouldn’t even want the same type of education as the whites. Therefore, when planning the different syllabuses for all education, the black systems should be limited to very simple skills such as reading, writing, farming and perhaps very simple mathematics. We wouldn’t want to overload the blacks with information that will only confuse them and make them unhappy, now would we? According to the Commission on Native Education the blacks; knowledge of anything requiring intelligence should be barred. In another speech by Dr. Verwoerd (Source B) he states that â€Å"The Bantu must be guided to serve his own community in all respects† and:   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Until now he has been subjected to a school system which drew him away from his own community and misled him by showing him the green pastures of European society in which he was not allowed to graze†. Basically, these two  quotes state that Verwoerd doesn’t want any wannabe Europeans around. He defends his arguments by saying that it would also be unfair to continue educating the Bantu like the Europeans, as it is only showing them new horizons they will never be allowed to explore. Educating them like this would therefore create Bantu that had the skills of Europeans, and not their people. As whites into would never hire them the administrative positions their education levels demand, they would be forced to go back to their people and farming, in which they would have no skills. This would cause discontent in everyone, so it is better not to educate the Bantu at all. Apparently it would also be very uneconomic to spend money on education without a specific aim, and disrupt the community life of the Bantu. His main point behind the arguments states this: We don’t want to have the blacks interfering in our lives. Source E further supports these arguments. In this photo four black schoolboys are looking very happy walking down a road. This photograph seems very arranged to make the outside world think the South African government is doing all they can to bring light into the darkness that is the life of the Bantu. 2. Assessment of source B Source B is an excerpt from a speech made by Dr Verwoerd to the senate of South Africa on the 7th of June 1954. I think this source is very valuable, as it is a primary source from the time period. It gives us direct information about what Verwoerd said in his speech. It also tells us a bit about what kind of government was in power at the time. This can be seen from the fact that he can give such a racist speech. If someone gave this speech today, he would be severely criticized and ridiculed. At the time the speech was given it would appear that the senate would be expecting to hear something like this, and be satisfied by it. This again proves what a racist government was in power at the time of the speech. It does not leave much room for bias, except by censorship, or having some parts of the speech left out. This source is also very limited in many ways. It doesn’t tell us many things, as it is only a part of a speech. For instance, it doesn’t tell us who recorded this speech, and chose the parts to be included. We don’t know either what Verwoerd said in the parts that are not included. It would also give a clearer image of the government in power if we were told about the senate’s reaction to the speech. If they cheered madly, this would prove what a racist system was in power at the time. A tremendous help would be if we found out what happened after the speech. Were all his suggestions made reality, or were they regarded as a failed idea. I would also be very interested in finding out what inspired him to give this speech. Was he requested to give a speech on the topic, or did he himself think the time was appropriate for such an exclamation. Assessment of Source E This source is a photograph of four black schoolboys stating how happy they are, and what a good job the government are doing at getting all the Bantu into school. This photo is very valuable specifically because it is so obviously staged. This is a good example of a heavily manipulated propaganda photo. It is meant to give us the idea that all is well with blacks, and they are the happiest of all. If you dig deeper, though, you can deduce many things. Obviously the photographer has told the children where to stand and to apply a huge smile to their faces. This tells us that the South African government was concerned about their image with the outside world and human rights activists. This photo was obviously taken to soothe the minds of anyone worrying about the ill treatment of the blacks. The main limitation of this photo is we don’t know how much the photo was manipulated. Maybe the boys were walking down the street, and were told to smile while a photo was taken. Maybe the four boys were rounded up, put in school uniforms and made to walk down the street in exchange for a small payment. We don’t know. 3. In my opinion, Source B is absolutely the most useful. It really captures the mentality of the current government and the people. It tells us Dr.  Verwoerd’s opnion about the blacks and their treatment. Although he doesn’t directly announce his hatred for blacks and how he wants to shoot them all, we can see he is more concerned with the wellbeing of the European community than that of the Bantu. It is also a primary source, so chances are it has not been subject to too much manipulation. It gives us a good understanding of the government, Dr Verwoerd and how the blacks are being treated. It is a bit sugarcoated, but once you delve deeper it is obvious what they really think. I think this source is the most useful because it captures the attitudes towards the Bantu at the time.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Contributions of Carbon Dioxide Removal as Geoengineering Solution to Climate Change

Contributions of Carbon Dioxide Removal as Geoengineering Solution to Climate Change Abstraction Climate Change I will hold an overview and a speedy treatment on clime alteration as an debut for the paper. Geoengineering Technologies When it comes to environmental direction you can non acquire any longer banal today than a focal point on clime alteration, nevertheless, I wish to undertake this subject in a alone manner. While I plan on discoursing green engineering and C caps, the chief focal point of my paper will be on clime technology besides known as geoengineering. Geoengineering, in my sentiment, is frequently a forbidden subject as many see human accommodation of the natural order to be avoided at all cost. I feel this to be a subset of the realistic false belief. The fact of the affair is that if worlds expect to stabilise the clime, they need to take a more active function on it. Geongineering engineerings chief end is Geoengineering engineerings fall under two classs: ( 1 ) Carbon Dioxide Removal ( CDR ) which â€Å" reference warming effects of nursery gases by taking C dioxide from the ambiance † ; and ( 2 ) Solar Radiation Management ( SRM ) which, on the other manus, â€Å" address clime alteration by increasing the coefficient of reflection of the Earth ‘s ambiance or surface† ( Bracmort, K. , & A ; Lattanzio, R.K. , 2013 ) . Such illustrations of CDR are carbon gaining control and segregation ( CCS ) , ocean fertilisation, enhanced weathering, and afforestation while illustrations of SRM are aerosol injection and space-based reflectors. While SRM methods purpose to cut down sunshine being absorbed by our ambiance, CDR methods work to take nursery gases from the ambiance or pin down it before even making the ambiance. Solar Radiation Management if to be cardinal manner of extenuating milliliter, utmost temperature displacements as a effect best deployed with other policies merely needed for utmost high clime sensitiveness cheap, fast, imperfect, but non proven. Warm really rapidly alterations may change precipitation forms saving of nursery gases other than co2 -less sum of uv radiation striking which might widen atmospheric life-time of ghg other than carbon dioxides recreation from more lasting solns unknown effects of large-scale geoengg Enhanced Albedo Features.Increase coefficient of reflection or reflective power of certain surfaces to direct more solar radiation back to the infinite. Limit temp addition. Targets are urban countries painting roofs and paved countries white with estimated monetary value of several billion dollars, but save money on energy costs Drawbacks may include uncomfortable blaze, concern for aesthetic entreaty of roof or paved country, loss of coefficient of reflection if unmaintained, addition in energy costs in colder climes due to cut down good winter clip heat additions, diminution in the usage of asphalt, a crude oil residue. Other techniques include modify workss thru familial engg to augment reflective power. Will take a decennary to be avaiable. Covering oceans with brooding surfaces to heighten reflective power. Impact in aquatic life? Cloud lightening. Dispersion of cloud-condensation karyon in clouds on continual footing. Satellites will mensurate cloud reflective power and determine sum of chilling needed. Could be halted rapidly and clouds could return to normal in a few yearss – long term deductions non yet known. Marine could be disturbed. Current position of the engineering.Surface types, application countries and costs under probe. USDOE NNSA reported lessening in edifice heat and chilling costs by around 70 % yearly on reroofed parts. Long term deductions non yet known. May disturb Marine wildlife.. ocean currents, precipitation forms sum of chilling needed and where.. research needed west seashore of North America could be†¦ Aerosol Injection Features.Under certain fortunes, usage of SRM techniques may take to ozone depletion. Dispersal of aerosols, such as H sulphide or sulfir dioxide in stratosphere to reflect solar radiation. Annual cost several billion of dollars depending on sum location typr of atoms injected seeks to copy big volcanic eruptions, cut down planetary temperatures S release are random with chilling impacts. It have to happen several times over decennaries or centuries to countervail radiative forcing by ghg short effectivity possible benefit: reduced or reversed sea and land ice runing, every bit long as aersols dont settle on or darken snow and ice hazards could be drought in Africa and Asia – loss in agricultural productiveness, ghg impact from transporting aersol to site of injection, stratopheric ozone depletion, weakening of sunshine for solar power, less bluish sky, obstructor of Earth-based optical uranology. Current position of the engineering.No testing yet. Space-based Reflectors Features.Shields in infinite to cut down sum of incoming solar radiation Effectiveness of shield vary on design, stuff, location, measure and care types suggested are lunar glass, aluminium yarn gauze, metallic reflecting gumshoes, refracting discs Proposed locations: low Earth orbit and Lagrange point 1 ( L1 ) four times further from Earth than the Moon Current position of the engineering.Theoretical Proposal. Requires extra survey to measure shield costs, execution ( transit, care demands, shield disposal ) ecological impacts Global or regional degree? A Shield to to the full change by reversal planetary heating May costs a few trillion dollars, implemented over 25 old ages Carbon Dioxide Removal Carbon Capture and Sequestration Features. Current position of the engineering. Afforestation Features.Afforestation is fundamentally seting of trees or tree seedlings. It is considered one of the safest manner to battle clime alteration. Restoration of wildlife and reduces the rate of eroding Current position of the engineering. Ocean Fertilization Features.Besides called Fe fertilisation, it is one of the oldest geoenginering engineering to battle clime alteration. The chief end is to straight or indirectly put Fe in to the deeps of the ocean to temporarily hive away C where it can non be exchanged with the ambiance. Stimulate phytoplankton growing by 30 % – 3 oceans Procedure involved in biological production, decomposition, and alimentary cycling in the unfastened ocean ( cite, day of the month ) . 1. Air and sea exchange C dioxide. 2. Phytoplanktons take up C dioxide to turn. 3. Zookplanktons and phytoplanktons respire C dioxide. 4. Fragments of disintegrating phytoplanktons and faecal pellets from zooplanktons both contain C. 5. Individually or in aggressions, called Marine snow, these carbon-containing atoms sink. 6. Merely 5 to 50 % of the entire C from bloom reaches 100 metres. About 2 to 25 % sinks between 100 to 500 metres. 7. Microbes decompose atoms further. Zooplanktons eat some of this stuff. 8. Possibly merely 1 to 15 % of the original C in surface Waterss sinks below 500 metres. 9. Carbon dioxide from organic affair respiration recirculates back to surface Waterss. 10. Zooplankton migrate up at dark to feed and endorse to the deepnesss during the twenty-four hours. Current position of the engineering. Merely two experiments conducted til 2007 to describe in 2nd stage. Efficiency of phytoplankton to sequester C is low. — makikita natin yun SA procedures explained above. Enhanced Weathering Features.Weathering/disintegration of silicate and carbonate stones to take carbon dioxide. Current position of the engineering. Discussion The Future of Carbon Dioxide Removal Recent Developments Costss and Economic Potential Some can be done with merely a comparatively little sum of money and you can see fiscal payback†¦ The two cheapest geoengineering engineerings are afforestation and aerosols. The former is safe but it merely has limited effectiveness and will wait for at least 20 old ages to cognize its effects on clime alteration. The latter is what they call the ideal method because it is really effectual and inexpensive at the same clip. However, it can besides present unwanted side effects, therefore, has high degree of uncertainness. Environmental Risks and Restrictions Every thing has a hazard of its ain. If miscalculated, these geoengineering engineerings may present some great impact to the environment, may hold negative effects, and/or may be deemed uneffective. It may non be avoided since there are besides external factors like natural alterations, catastrophes, and even alterations in carnal behaviour. The lone inquiry is, is this the hazard we are willing to take? Decision Mentions Bracmort, K. & A ; Lattanzio, R.K. ( 2013 ) . Geoengineering: Administration and Technology Policy ( CRS Report ) . Retrieved from Federation of American Scientists web site: hypertext transfer protocol: // Caldeira, K. , Bala, G. , & A ; Cao, L. ( 2013 ) . The scientific discipline of geoengineering. The Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Science 41, 231-56. Department of the Interior: 10.1146/annurev-earth 042711-105548 Hartman, J. , West, A.J. , Renforth, P. , Kohler, P. , De La Rocha, C.L. , Wolf-Gladrow, D.A. , Durr, H.H. , Scheffran, J. ( 2013 ) . Enhanced chemical weathering as a geoengineering scheme to cut down atmospheric C dioxide, supply foods, and extenuate ocean acidification. Reviews of Geophysics 51, 113-149. Department of the Interior: 10.1002/rog.20004 Kriegler, E. , Edenhofer, O. , Reuster, L. , Gunnar, L. , & A ; Klein, D. ( 2013 ) . Is atmospheric C dioxide removal a game modifier for clime alteration extenuation. Climatic Change 118, 45-57. Department of the Interior: 10.1007/s10584-012-0681-4 Lackner, K.S. , Grimes, P. , & A ; Ziock, H.J. ( n.d. ) . Capturing C dioxide from air. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // Tables and Figures

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Quality Culture and Customer Retention at Disney World

The Disney WorldDisney World, or Walt Disney World Resort, is a recreational resort that has theme parks, golf courses, water parks, resort hotels and shopping areas. It is owned by the Walt Disney Company and is considered as the largest recreational resort in the world.Disney CultureThe culture espoused by the Disney World is proportional to the globalization of American culture. Just like the worldwide spread of American culture and ideas, â€Å"Disney culture† has received a global acceptance. Disney World is presented to the human race with charm, which makes people of all ages, of different races, and different gender preferences fascinated with anything (that is associated with) â€Å"Disney.†The Disney culture is appealing. This is what makes Disney World rise to the top. Having focused on providing quality entertainment to the people, Disney is able to produce products and services that are cherished by its customers. Marty Sklar, Vice Chairman and Principal Cr eative Executive of Walt Disney Imagineering, enumerated five things that makes him proud of Disney. These five things, which mirror the sort of culture that Disney espouses, are â€Å"high-quality products, optimism for the future, great storytelling, an emphasis on family entertainment and great talent, passion and dedication from our Cast Members† (Sklar, 2007).Products of Disney are of high quality because the company is dedicated to a tradition of innovation. With this, the company’s products and services are seen as original, creative and ground-breaking. Furthermore, each product of Disney has its own story to tell, and with every story being told, there is always a positive message for the customers. This makes Disney culture both entertaining and respected by its customers. It does not sacrifice the talent of its cast members, the storyline, and story’s positive message for mere entertainment.Guestologyâ€Å"Guestology† is a term coined by Bruce Laval, a Senior Manager at Walt Disney. The term is used to signify the company’s aim of focusing on guest behavior.Using the idea of guestology, Disney employs a different kind of management. The company does not follow the traditional management style, which focuses on organizational development and managerial hierarchy. Instead, the company focuses on the â€Å"guests† or the â€Å"customers.† With such method, the company uses not the company’s or organization’s perspective, in determining the quality of the products. What is being used is the customer’s perspective. Customer experience is then given a paramount importance.Because the perspective used is that of the customers’, Disney World is able to determine what customers need and want. With the use of surveys, Disney is able to determine that customers need a clean theme park and Disney World provides them with that. Efforts are also made to extend theme park hours and expand fireworks displays in order to satisfy the customers.Customer Retention through Quality CultureThough the focus is on customers, it should not be mistaken that Disney puts customer satisfaction as its core. Customer satisfaction is important, but customer retention is even a more important thing.Often times, people take customer satisfaction and customer retention as synonymous. However, they are not. Customer retention necessarily implies customer satisfaction, but customer satisfaction does not always mean customer retention. Disney is one among very few companies that recognize this fact. Disney is not concerned merely with making its customers satisfied. It aims at giving its customers quality products and services because it is more concerned with the loyalty of its customers to whatever it offers.As aforementioned, Disney is not concerned merely with marketing its products and services. It is not concerned merely with providing entertainment or mere satisfaction. It puts emph asis on the talents of its casts, the message that its products brings and with innovative ideas because it puts customer retention at its core. And Disney World successfully does this by its ability to produce an appealing culture. Reference: Baker, R. (2007 May). Earning My Mouse Ears, Part II: The Disney Approach to Customer Loyalty [WWW document]. URL 27 July 2007. Sklar, M. (2007, July) [WWW document]. URL 27 July 2007. The HSM Group. (2005). Holding Onto Your Customers [WWW document]. URL 27 July 2007.

Debate on vaccination Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Debate on vaccination - Essay Example For instance, the vaccination against smallpox used cowpox, which was a poxvirus resembling smallpox to defend against it but did not cause any major illness. Vaccinations are done during the formative years of a person’s life even though this does not hinder an adult to go for vaccination. Children die of diseases each year since they are susceptible to infections due to their fragile immune systems. They are weak because they are young, and their bodies have not built immunities to these diseases. Therefore, the best way to protect children from such diseases is through vaccination (Sprigg 32). Several parents believe that vaccines are not safe for their children. However, it is more painful when a young life is taken by the infection of a killer disease because the child was not vaccinated. Ailments kill children each year. Children are more susceptible to infection due to their feeble immune systems. They are weak because they have not yet stayed alive enough to develop mechanisms for fighting infections. â€Å"†¦Unlike remedial treatment, vaccination provides a lifetime of protection from deadly diseases†¦and ensure healthier children, families and communities.† (Seth). Although vaccinating children can help prevent certain diseases, there are still many parent that are refusing to vaccinate their children. Vaccines against disease such as polio and MMR should be mandatory for all children who wish to attend school. These vaccinations can control the spread of deadly diseases, help protect children that are not able to get vaccinated and can save family time and money. However, many parents and guardians have failed or refused to take their children for vaccination due to a number of ideologies that have been propagated about vaccination over time. Some of the ideologies have been brought about by fears while others by misconceptions about the process of immunization

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Managing Diversity.1) why you have selected this topic, why it is Essay

Managing Diversity.1) why you have selected this topic, why it is important to you,why it is important for the companies to value,how this area will change over the next five years - Essay Example . Also, managing diversity should be part of an organizational culture because it would attract customers. Customers have a preference to buy services and groups from diverse businesses. Therefore, companies with a diverseness within their management will simply fulfil the needs of a wide customer base. Lastly, cultural intelligence is the most compelling significance of having a diverse workforce. As a result, when clients and employees are diverse, opportunities to not only learn but also acknowledge the values held sacred by others are boundless (Barzantny, 2007). Times are changing in the labour force, and stakeholders are changing in various ways, apart from gender and race, people with disabilities, single parent families, ageing workforce and dual-earner families. For this reason, there is a need for the creation of diverse policies, behaviours and work culture where people feel like an essential part of the organization. Management diversity will bring competitiveness in organizations thus enhancing performance innovations in the business world. In the advent of increased diversification of the business world, a number of corporations are investing in different parts of the world. Hence interacting with people from different cultural backgrounds. This will prompt the need to utilise it. Thus, it will gain more popularity among major business. Most managers will have to integrate it as part of their management techniques for increased performance in the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Human Sexuality Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Human Sexuality - Personal Statement Example An in-depth understanding of these aspects of human sexuality drew me to become a part of this class so that I can gain better knowledge with regard to this subject and pass it on to others. On a scale of 1 (very comfortable) to 10 (a significant amount of reservation or nervousness), where would you rank your level of current comfort or discomfort regarding what to expect while studying human sexuality? Why did you select the rating that you did? With regard to my expectations of studying human sexuality, my level of comfort on this scale is 4. Despite of the fact that I am interested in studying about human sexuality, I have been discouraged by a few members of my family as well as my peers. They provided me with reasons that this class is not very fruitful and it does not provide good learning. These account for a few reasons why I am nervous regarding my expectations of the human sexuality class. It is owing to my own interest and research with regard to this subject that I am still more than willing to become a part of this class. I believe that studying this subject will provide me with good knowledge regarding all the aspects of human sexuality and it is for this reason that I am joining this

Monday, August 26, 2019

MKTG 3000 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

MKTG 3000 - Essay Example The public who attracted towards this ad will take more time in analyzing the features of this advertisement. The theme of this ad is that the two pieces of Bounty chocolate available in the chocolate packet displayed in the picture are not mere chocolates, but â€Å"Two pieces of paradiseâ€Å" just like the two thighs of the female model represented in the advertisement. The ad tried to keep consistency in its theme as the model has wore only two pieces of dress and the entire picture consists consist of only two other objects; a coconut tree and a beach. The coconut tree moving in the wind and the beach at the backdrop are giving more pleasant feelings to the viewers of this advertisement. This advertisement ask the readers to enjoy the taste of the Bounty chocolate just like they are enjoying the thighs of the female model presented in the advertisement. The above advertisement clearly shows that how fierce is the competition in the food market. The advertisers are not taking any ethical means while preparing their advertisements. Their intention is only to catch the attention of the public and for that purpose they are ready to go up to any extent. I don’t think the above advertisement may succeed in increasing the sales of the Bounty chocolate beyond certain limits. Current consumers are more aware of the quality of the goods they are purchasing rather than the attractiveness of the advertisement. At the same time, because of the variety displayed, the above advertisement may catch the attention of the teenagers. The intention of the advertiser might be the same also. The intrusion of television and internet like medias decreased the demand of magazine and journal like print medias. People are spending less time for reading printed articles nowadays and therefore printed ads are not reaching the eyes of the public adequately. If the printed ads are not much good in catching the attention of

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Advanced Financial Modelling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Advanced Financial Modelling - Essay Example For that reason, people, tend to base their decisions on certain perceived elements of gains rather than elements of perceived losses (Back, 2010, pg. 208). In essence, if a person is presented with two equal choices to make, he or she will express one choice in terms of the possible losses and the other choice in term of the possible gains. For that reason, the person will choose the choice with possible gains (Kaustia, 2010, pg. 25). An example can be used to demonstrate the prospect theory as it applies to financial decision making. Two different financial advisors present the same mutual fund to an investor. The first financial advisor tells the investor that the average return of the mutual fund is 7%. The second financial advisor mentions that the mutual fund has realized above average return for the past 15 years but the last 5 years have shown a decline. According to the prospect theory, the investor will choose a mutual fund from the first financial advisor. This is because it is not expressed in a combination of returns and losses as did the second financial advisor (Li and Yan, 2010, pg. 101). The prospect theory was proposed and developed in 1979 by two aristocrats, Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman. The theory emerged as a psychologically description of the financial decision making process (Ma, 2011, pg. 428). The theory also makes a comparison to the expected utility theory. According to prospect theory, editing and evaluation are the two central stages that every financial decision making process must pass through. The outcomes of a decision are made and ordered during the editing stage. During this stage, people consider lesser outcomes as losses and greater outcomes as gains. The aim of this stage is to alleviate any possible framing effects (Barberis and Xiong, 2012, pg. 99). In addition, it helps in resolving the isolation effects that stem out from the propensity to isolate concurrent

Saturday, August 24, 2019

HR Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

HR Plan - Assignment Example Samsung Company was incorporated in 1938 in Korea and has steadily grown to be one of the greatest global brands in the digital electronics manufacturing industry. The steady growth of the company is attributed to the effective innovation and competent human resource management (Chang et al, 2012). HR Planning involves the consideration of initiatives and approaches to improve on the performance of an office or department tin an organization without merely being personal (Crim et al, 2013). This paper provides a simulation of HR plan intended for two key positions that are deemed to demand some appraisal going by the experienced performance outputs over the past few years. This HR plan is based on the designated offices in the U.S. section at the Consumer Business division. The offices and personnel selected for appraisal are the Marketing Manager and the Corporate Strategy Officer. The office of the marketing manager of the U.S. section of Samsung Inc has been deemed to be ineffectual in terms of new market niche developments. The target growth rate in terms of penetration has not been up scaling and therefore the need for HR appraisal. This appraisal will look into ways of improving the competency of the staff in the office of marketing manager with a view of facilitating greater data and information to the staff to improve their work. The corporate strategy office at the U.S. section of the Consumer Business division is also considered for further appraisal. This program should elicit for the department greater resources and managerial insights to be able to develop more effective strategies that will defend the niche markets and expand the brand appeal to new segments of the market. It is postulated that with greater brand appeal, the company and the division should almost double its sales and market penetration in the next two years among elite American consumers. The HR Plan will seek to

Friday, August 23, 2019

Conservation of the Everglades National Park Research Paper

Conservation of the Everglades National Park - Research Paper Example The Park is home to several species of wildlife such as herons, egrets, wood storks, red-shouldered hawks, snail kites, wild turkeys, woodpeckers, and warblers. In addition, it is the only Park in the world with two contrasting species of animals coexisting in the same ecosystem. For example, alligators, commonly found in temperate climatic zones, live with crocodiles, only found in tropical zones. Since the Park receives both freshwater and saltwater from different sources, plants and animals from temperate and tropical climatic zones are a common feature. Funding from external sources is necessary to support conservation programs aimed at preserving the existing ecosystem, as well as develop lasting solutions to slow down the effects of global warming on the Park’s flora and fauna. Diversity and biological interrelationships among the life forms in the area During the dry season often experienced between December and April, the alligator digs out large holes in the limestone that provides shelter for turtles, insects, wading birds, and fish. These holes provide a secure place for these animals to cool down during the day before returning to their habitats at night (Spoolman & Miller, 2011). Moreover, during the wet seasons, alligators spread out the marshes floating on the water to make way for wading birds and other freshwater animals. The life cycle of the snail kites is dependent upon the availability of the apple snail, which is its staple prey in the Park. Due to the seasonal water flow affecting the Park, the population of the apple snails is diminishing, endangering the survival of the snail kites. Thus, conservancy strategies have been put in place to control the use of water in the Park so as to reverse the current seasonal dry spells that, for years, have disrupted the Park’s ecosystem. For there to be a stable balance between the predators and their prey, conservancy programs should be modeled towards reversing the effects of global w arming currently affecting the flora and fauna native to the Park (Balint, Stewart, Desai, & Walters, 2011). Mangrove trees provide nesting grounds for different species of birds living in the Park. Furthermore, snakes prey on these birds for survival, thus keeping the mangrove forest intact would strengthen this food chain, providing a balance between the two species dominant in the Park. Human intrusions threatening the Park Although the Park is protected from the inside, its surroundings are constantly being destroyed by human activities, such as building canals to redirect water from the river for irrigation. The water channeled off the Park is being utilized by the neighboring communities to water their plantations, as well as for domestic use. Besides, the canal’s major objective is to control flooding during the rainy season when water from the springs overflows to the plantations surrounding the Park (Parrish, 2011). Water from the â€Å"River of Grass† is curr ently being used to irrigate sugarcane plantations located between the Park and Lake Okeechobee. It is said that the river no longer flows to the Park as it used to when the Park was opened since most of the water is being tapped for domestic and industrial use.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Anatomy and physiology of the human body Essay Example for Free

Anatomy and physiology of the human body Essay Each week, the discussion questions will examine issues in the reading. This thread is meant to foster a better understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the human body and how that knowledge is applied to in real life situations. Discussion responses should be on topic, original, and contribute to the quality of the discussion by making frequent informed references to lesson material. Initial discussion responses should be around 100 words; responses to your classmates or instructor should be around 75 words. Make two or more responses to classmates that are thoughtful and that advance the discussion of each topic. Your initial response is to be made no later than Saturday 11:59 PM of the current unit. Additional responses are to be made no later than Tuesday 11:59 PM of the current unit. Your posts are to be substantive, referenced and free of grammatical and spelling errors. When you are ready, respond to one of the topics below. Please be sure to specify which topic you are responding to. 1. Discuss the different types of blood vessels and how their structure is uniquely suited to their functions. 2. Choose a major region of the body (for example, the thorax) and discuss the arteries and veins of that region. 3. Discuss the positive and possible negative effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system. 4. Identify and discuss the primary factors involved in the generation and regulation of blood pressure and explain the relationships among these factors. 5. Explain why a pressure difference must exist between the aorta and the right atrium. 6. Explain hepatic portal circulation. How is it different from normal circulation, and what advantages are gained from this type of circulation? This is a fun topic for a fitness trainer. The cardiovascular system is complex, but it’s even more complex when you start to factor in exercise while explaining it. Aerobic fitness is an important component of physical fitness. When your muscles need oxygen, your aerobic (cardiovascular) system must be able to efficiently deliver it to them. When your body has waste products that need to be expelled (e.g. carbon dioxide and metabolic waste products), your heart-lung complex must be up to the task. These two tasks form the functional basis of aerobic fitness. Positive effects include increasing your level of available energy, aid in relieving depression, reduce the risk of heart disease, increase the good (HDL) cholesterol. Everyone needs to be able to efficiently take oxygen into their lungs and blood and pump it to their working muscles where it is utilized to oxidize carbohydrates and fats to produce energy. If you are concerned about your health, particularly the risk of heart disease, you need to accept the fact that aerobic training can have a critical effect on the quantity and quality of your life. Some negative effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system can include a possible heart attack or stroke. Some people can tend to push themselves to hard or they can start off working out by pushing their heart a little harder than it’s used to. It’s not a very good idea to go out and try to run a marathon if you’ve spent most of your life sedentary. I used to be one of those people until I found out in 2007 that I had Tachycardia (a heart rate that is too fast). I had to adjust my workouts to accommodate the situation to include slowing down my runs and taking longer rest intervals when lifting weights.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Pest Analysis Essay Example for Free

Pest Analysis Essay 3.  (a) Training program Companies who work hard to meet the needs of their employees can cultivate a work atmosphere conducive to productivity. Being able to plan for the needs of employees by thinking ahead can help to improve the rate of skilled employees who chose to remain working for a company. Improving the employee retention rate can reduce the money companies spend on finding and training new employees. It is important to consider employees may want or need and what the company can reasonably supply. Providing specialized on-site training, even if provided by senior members of the company, and offering one-on-one assessment and coaching sessions, can help employees reach peak performance rates. After being hired on, a strong training and mentoring program can help a new member of the staff get up to speed on company policies and any current or ongoing projects they will be working on. To help employees perform at their best, a company can follow up with continual training programs, coaching, and regular assessment. Investing in the development of its employees can allow a company to turn out more consistent products. Incentive system An incentive program represents a substantial investment to most organizations. Engaging all employees to participate in the program will help them receive a sufficient return on their investment. Based on the concept of quality performance, incentive programs will increase an employees perception of themselves in achieving their program goals. In order to properly motivate, programs must be designed to offer a variety of products and services to employees based on their interests and needs. The programs need to have carefully determined their rewards methodology in order to maintain an employees motivation. In addition, successful campaigns require clearly defined rules, aligned rewards, efficient communication strategies and measurable success metrics. By combining each of these elements into the program, companies are better able to engage program participants and enhance the overall program effectiveness. In order to create an effective incentive program, an organization must keep the overall objective in mind when considering program design and implementation. Objectives should be clearly defined based on the companys goals and need to be specific so employees understand their expectations. Objectives can vary depending on the needs of each organization and they should be challenging, yet achievable. If objectives are viewed as unattainable, the program will not be successful. Once the program goals have been defined, all aspects of the program should be measured against this goal in order to ensure the programs success. 3.(b) communication network Communication is the exchange of useful information between and among people and organizations to support decisions and coordinate activities. Within an organization, information should be communicated to management and other employees who need it in a form and within a time frame that helps them to carry out their responsibilities. Communication also takes place with outside parties such as customers, suppliers and regulators. Management should ensure that there are open lines of communication for both staff and management to use. Open communication fosters reporting of both positive and negative results to the appropriate level of management without the fear of reprisal. Management should ensure that it takes the proper actions to address these results. For example, management may decide to: establish new goals and objectives to take advantage of newly identified opportunities; counsel and retrain staff to correct procedural errors; or adjust control act ivities to minimize a change in risk. Hierarchy of objective Objectives are the organizations desired outcomes. They are a product of the planning process and are necessary for coordinating efforts within an organization. Without clearly defined objectives, employees could be working in conflicting directions. Objectives can be organizational or operational. Management derives organizational objectives from the mission and often develops them during the strategic planning process. They are long-range, broad statements, which define the desired outcomes of the organization as a whole. Good organizational objectives can serve as starting points for more specific and detailed objectives within the subunits (i.e., divisions, departments, bureaus and assessable units) of the organization. They also serve as standards for evaluating overall organizational performance. Management derives operational objectives from the broad organizational objectives. Operational objectives are shorter-range, more specific and define the desired outcomes of each of the organizations subunits. They should be structured in a hierarchy so that each subunits accomplishment of its operational objectives helps the next higher level achieve its operational objectives, all of which helps management meet its organizational objectives. All objectives should be in writing. Management should provide employees with written organizational and operational objectives along with the mission statement. Management should ensure that employees understand the objectives and how their work helps to achieve them. Finally, just as changes in the environment can affect the adequacy and relevancy of the mission statement, these same factors also affect an organizations objectives. For an organization to function effectively and grow, it should periodically reassess its organizational and operational objectives. Company’s name: De vest Fashion Berhad Industry: Fashion Industry 3.1 Political Factors To improve consumers spending in the clothing industry, the Malaysian government has implemented the Mega Carnival Sale which is to be held 3 times a year. Its main purpose is to promote Malaysia as a value for money shopping destination. This aggressive approach calls on to the tourist to shop at the local malls, which in turn would increase foreign tourist spending and thus increase the countrys foreign exchange earnings. Furthermore, this approach would encourage the Malaysians to shop locally, which would benefit Elba Holdings Bhd in terms of their sales. Malaysia is a member of the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA), which aims to reduce trade barriers between the member countries Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines, Brunei, Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar. This has created an opportunity for the domestic companies, like Elba Holdings Bhd to venture into the overseas market, such as Vietnam, where by the retail market there is lucrative for foreign investors. However, with AFTA, foreign investors would be interested in the Malaysian market, and with new foreign entrants, competition becomes fierce for Elba Holdings Bhd. In addition to this, the Malaysian government attempted to stabilize the retail industry after its slump in the 97 crisis by reducing inflationary pressures in the form of tariffs reductions, so that foreign investors would invest in the domestic market. The result of this would transform the retail industry into a competitive market, making it difficult for Elba Holdings Bhd to be a dominant player in the clothing sector as well as a market leader. Under the Eighth Malaysian Plan covering 2001-2005, the retail industry is expected to play a more pressures prominent role in the growth of the economy, due to a sustained economic growth and expansion of the tourism industry. A fair trade policy and law will be formulated to prevent collusion, cartel price fixing, market allocation and the abuse of market power. New distribution modes will be developed such as franchises, direct sales, factory outlets, and e-commerce, to provide the consumers with a variety of choice. 3.2 Economic Factors Malaysias economic growth is to be maintained at 4.5% in 2003 and expand further to 5.5% or 6.0% in 2004, taking into account the external demand conditions and the economic impact of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in the first half of 2003. The economic growth is expected to be due to the domestic market with growth in the private sector. The private sector makes up the bulk of the Malaysian economy, with private consumption accounting for nearly 44% of GDP. Despite the recovery in the household consumption over the last few years, inflation has remained unchanged. The overall inflation rate is expected to be at 1.5% in 2003 mainly due to mild deflationary from major global economies. Looking at the earlier years, total retail sales in Malaysia amounted to RM46.9 billion in 2001, with a 3.7% increase over2000. Having experienced healthy growth per annum from 1990, the Asian crisis caused total retail sales to plummet by21.2% in 1998. Reduced consumption and increased savings were some of the major causes of the significant decline. Apart from challenging economic conditions, 2001 also had unexceptional events that threatened to have a major impact on retail businesses. The recovery of the retail industry in Malaysia has been gradual, having yet to return to a pre-crisis level. The first quarter of 2001 had a slowdown of the retail industry as a result of the economic crisis in the United States. The September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States had further dampen the potential of economic recovery in the country. Nevertheless, the industry managed to have an overall growth rate of 3.7% in 2001. Retail industry growth rate was above GDP growth rate for the entire year. The fall in consumer confidence resulted in reduced consumption and increased savings. The government subsequently launched a national campaign on wise spending, with the aim to educate consumers on the importance of domestic demand on the GDP growth and economic recovery as a whole. The Love Malaysia, Buy Malaysia campaign was also launched to get Malaysians to buy local products and take local holidays. This effort proved successful. The implications of these economic events had affected the growth of Elba Holdings Bhd, due to a fall in the tourism industry as well as the reduction in consumers spending. The company was adversely affected in terms of its financial position, and it was impossible to have a complete recovery due to unfavourable economic events reoccurring, for instance SARS. 3.3.Social Factors Malaysian is classified as an upper middle-income country, and considered as one of the most developed of developing countries. Middle income households defined as those earning between RM1, 500 and RM3, 500 per month, and has increased from 32.3% of total household population in 1995 to 37% in 1999. The low-income group, categorized by household income of up to RM1, 500 per month, spend a proportion of this amount on food. Meanwhile, the high and middle income households spend most of their money at hypermarkets. A small percentage of about 3.4% of their income is spent on clothing and foot wear. There has been a decrease in consumers spending since 2000, because consumers have begun to realise the values of money especially since the 97crisis took place. It is now slowly picking up in 2003.Malaysias consumers lifestyle has been changing to rising affluence and education levels. High profile retailers as well we global mass media have shaped consumers buying behaviour, resulting in the Malaysians being more westernised. The Malaysians life leisure life revolves around trendy shopping malls, such as one utama, mega mall, and klcc. Thus Elba Holdings Bhd has to me more update and kept abreast with the latest trends. They have to advertise and keep the consumers informed and reminded that they still exist and produce clothing with style and quality. 3.4 Technological Factor With the Internet and e-commerce, retailers can now sell their products on line and deliver it to customers on their door-step. It can make customers life a lot easier as they need to have to go to the city to make a purchase. Furthermore, retailers can also sell their products to the overseas market without the need to physically enter the foreign country. Microsoft (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd and Sdn Bhd, a subsidiary of the Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers(FMM), signed a memorandum of understanding to develop and operate a supply-chain hub for the retail sector, known as the Malaysian Retail Exchange. The Malaysian Retail Exchange is part of FMMs broad e-commerce initiative to assist manufacturers transact electronically with their trading partners as a community. The Exchange will provide the infrastructure and technology to connect manufacturers, distributors and retailers to adopt electronic trading in order to improve speed of communication, reduce transaction costs, better synchronization of supply with consumer demand and significantly improve inventory management. FMMs initiative is in line with the governments call to Malaysian businesses to be empowered with the tools of emerging technologies to improve operational efficiency and hence, competitiveness in amore open economy. The result of this would bring closer ties to the entire retailer in the retail industry, however in the case of Elba Holdings Bhd, the company stills practice the orthodox methods of getting to the consumers, and this has caused them to be laid back with other competitors such as Padini Holdings Bhd.

Global Marketing Strategy Is A Part Of Company Management Essay

Global Marketing Strategy Is A Part Of Company Management Essay Global marketing strategy is a part of companys whole corporate strategy and includes such issues as product positioning, branding policies, selection of target markets and modes for entering to, which media to use for promotional campaigns, and so on. A global marketing plan is a way for guiding the overall route of global campaigns. It requires to include choices regarding media combinations, whether to use a marketing agency and, if so, for which purposes and to what degree, and whether to challenge or sidestep from competitors when operating in overseas markets. Corporate and global marketing strategies are closely intertwined (Bennett Blythe 2002, p.15). Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. is an American  international  retail company that has number of department stores and warehouse stores in USA and worldwide. It is the worlds largest retailor and third largest multination company. It has more than 8,500 stores in 15 different of the world. It works in different countries with different names.   LuLu Hypermarkets, is Gulf based retail stores and considers as a trend setter of the retail industry in  GCC including Qatar. Nowadays, LuLu represents excellence retailing with number stores and has been an immediate success with the perceptive shoppers across the country. Multinational corporations including Wal-Mart want to quickly access the international market and exploit the opportunities in the rapidly growing economies such as Qatar (Cullen Parboteeah 1999, pp.133-135). Takeover the Lulu will give the quick and complete access to the Qatars growing economy. By acquisition of Lulu, Wal-Mart can expend its international operations. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (Wal-Mart), started on October 31, 1969, is an American multinational company, runs retail stores in various layouts around the world. Companys pricing philosophy is to provide products to customer at lowest possible price. The Companys works in three corporate divisions: the Wal-Mart U.S. segment, the Wal-Mart International segment, and the Sams Club segment. In fiscal year 2012, Wal-Mart U.S. segment generated approximately 60% of its net sales from number of its stores in all 50 states in USA and Puerto Rico, as well as Wal-Marts online selling activities. Wal-Mart International division involves in retail activities in 26 different countries. During fiscal 2012, this overseas division produced about 28% of its net sales. The Wal-Mart Worldwide segment comprises a variety of layouts of retail stores, restaurants and online selling, which function outside the USA (Wal-Mart  n.d. online) The Corporation is involved in the retail activities located all over the United States; its entirely retained firms in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, China, Japan and the United Kingdom; its majority retained holdings in Chile, Mexico, 12 countries in Africa, and five countries in Central America. The retail giant has joint ventures in India and the China and some fully owned subsidiaries. The Wal-Mart U.S. division contains the Firms mass mercantile idea under the Wal-Mart or Wal-Mart brand. The Wal-Mart Global segment involves of the Businesss operations outside of the USA. The primarily listed on the NYSE, but it is also traded on 13 other exchanges in 6 different countries. From many years Wal-Mart Stores Inc. revenue is growing. Last year it grew at 4.97% from 446.95bn to 469.16bn while net income improved 8.28% from 15.70bn to 17.00bn. LuLu Hypermarket LuLu Hypermarket, the retail division of the multidimensional EMKE Group has always been recognised as a trend setter of the retail industry in Arab region. LuLu shopping centres are modern and adding all possible requirements of the customers under one roof. LuLu Hypermarkets have widely arranged out counters, extensive parking spaces, play zones for kids, food places, money conversation and bank counters as well a display of global and local products appropriately justifying details. It is the most preferable shopping place in Qatar. SWOT Analysis: An overview: SWOT analysis is a scan of internal and external environment of an organization and a vital part of the strategic planning process and decision making. Environmental factors internally touches to the firm usually classified as strengths (S) or weaknesses (W) whereas those externally affects to the firm can be said as opportunities (O) or threats (T) . An organizations strengths are its means and competences that can be used to develop a competitive benefit whereas lack of these capabilities may be looked as weaknesses. The external environmental analysis tells us about the availability of new opportunities for income and progression in to new and existing market. All the external factors which can affect organisation performance are regarded as threats (Johnson et al. 2011, p74). SWOT Analysis of Wal-Mart: Strength Wal-Mart Stores, Inc is the world largest    global retail corporation. It runs hundreds of discount department stores, hypermarkets, supermarket, grocery stores and warehouse in different region of the world. According to the  Fortune Global 500  list in 2012 this multinational giant was ranked as third largest corporation in the world. The company is also leading private employer  in the international market having more than two million employees. The operations of the corporation are wide spread and there is no international competitor of this size (Wal-Mart Stores, online) One of the core competences of the Wal-Mart is to use the information technology and software to maintain its international logistics system. For instance, it can be seen how distinct goods execute in different countries, within one country and store-by-store at one look. In addition to the retail market controller, it has the ability of repeating its greatest activities frequently around the  globe. Wal-Mart has a very good standing for worth for money, accessibility and a wide-ranging range product portfolio all in at one place. This competitive advantage has created its constructive financial success and market share globally. Moreover, its leading position and the diversity of products permits it to rapidly differentiate the products, which allows it to encounter the demand and give benefits from increased trades. This kind of elasticity and impact enables it to uphold its dominant market position (Farhoomand Wang, 2006). Weaknesses Wal-Mart is a huge  vendor and runs hypermarkets which need large space for existing and every new stock. This restricts its growth in inner-city areas where limited space is available. It has been seen its sales in USA have reduced for eight constant quarters because of availability of less space. Therefore, it has become more essential for Wal-Mart to originate new set up which helps to increase its revenue and which is more appropriate to the city areas. Its competitors such as Tesco are planning to come up with such new strategy of market place to cater more and more segments of customer. If they accomplish to be successful in the market then Wal-Mart will likely to have a competitive disadvantage. Wal-Mart sells many low price products but customers often concerned about the quality of products. Many times it involved in non-compliance to environmental dispute which cost the company huge sums of money (Mujtaba Maxwell, 2011) Opportunities Wal-Mart has been growing its presence in emerging economies such as India, china and Brazil. It is estimated that due to rapid economic growth, consumers in these countries developing would have double by 2015. Therefore, this will create a great opportunity for  Wal-Mart for its international growing trend. Growth of ecommerce and buying through the internet is a big opportunity in future because this way of shopping will increase in future. Bad economic period is not over in many countries and people are still looking for cheap products (Kumar, 2008). Threats: The cost of making many consumer goods has fallen due to lower manufacturing costs. Production cost has dropped due to contracting out these products to low-cost regions of the World. This has led to price war, resulting in decreasing the price to very low level. Strong price competition in the global market a great threat to companys profitability. Local vendors do not welcome the arrival of Wal-Mart and it can face strong opposition. Rivalry from local stores is likely to increase as travel costs to Wal-Mart stores have been increased due to increase in fuel prices (Mujtaba Maxwell, 2011). Concept of Internationalisation: Internationalisation can be well-defined as the process and resources that businesses take part themselves into the foreign environments particularly overseas countries, cultures, beliefs or international structure of manufacture and marketing. According to Welch Luostarinen (1988) internationalisation is the procedure of external incremental drive in global operations. They propose seven extents for determining firms internationalisation: foreign operation methods, organizational structure, personnel, sales objectives, target markets, organizational capacity and finance. In the opinion of Penrose (1995), internationalisation is the direction of international business communication to encourage customers and clients to have chance and multiple choices of products that fulfil their requirements all around the globe. Through the business contact of these products or intangible services, firms sell goods all around the world. Those business actions that include more than two nations or stride more than two state boundaries can be called internationalised business no matter they are worked by the private company or the governmental firm. Internationalisation or globalization is the progression that organisations change business into international dimensions because of the global rivalry, the market growth and multination operation (Chetty Campbell 2004) Internationalisation Drivers: Generally globalization, technology advances and increased competition are the factors motivating firms to go into foreign markets. Thus, many multinational companies are motivated to operate worldwide and overlooking the national boundaries. It is acceptable to argue that drives to in to foreign markets differ from business to business. They may also depend on organisations functioning in diverse industries, from different national background and under dissimilar trade and industry systems. In addition to this, inspiration to go for internationalisation may also varies for firms because of their size, time period and strategy (Morrison,2006. P136). According to Slater Narver (1994) motivations of nay firm can be examined by considering the three key elements: internal and external environment, product and market situation. Luo (2000) argue that Capability possession is essentially important to gain competitive benefits and define firm-level approaches to exploit these advantages. He further says that to get the competitive rewards in the host country which cannot be attained at home is the major inspiration for the organisation to go overseas. International is essential to exploit the opportunities in emerging markets. Capability advancement is vital to the evolutionary growth of viable advantages and generating different packs of resources. Competent advantage is a needed for continued success in todays world economy categorised by growing technological advancement and business globalization. C:UsersDELLDocumentsInternational BusinessISMMy Assignment1-s2.0-S1090951600000432-gr1.jpg Figure 1.  Dynamic Capabilities in International Expansion: An Integrated Model. Source: Luo, Yadong (2000) Internationalisation is an attempt by an organization to make variations in its product and market approach. An internationalised company gather experience and knowledge through the globalised process. Many corporations prefer to go in other countries when there is an economic crisis in at home, whereas overseas market is emerging fast. When local clienteles are rushing overseas, firms follow to join in the global struggle in order that they do not lose these customers. Some companies also react to the penetration of external firms into the home market. Many firms take experimental decision towards the intercontinental market (Evers Menkhoff 2004). Firms may go into other countries to seek opportunities in foreign market. For instance, the globalisation of many Japanese companies was driven by the growth of domestic market. Many western and USA businesses are inspired by Chinas potentially vast market, less labour expenses and advancement of technology (Buckley et al., 2002). Why Invest in Qatar: Qatar is flourished from many years with constant high real GDP growth rate. It has worlds highest per-capital income in the world with the lowest unemployment rate. The country economy relies on its massive Oil and gas reserves. Now Qatar is taking advantage of its revenues from oil and gas in other economic sectors in order to expand its economic base and develop a strong private sector. Qatar is an active member of the World Trade organisation, Qatar has opened other segments of the economy to overseas investors and has flexible  investing policy.  Qatars successful 2022 world cup bid will also speed up the economic growth in the country (Qatar, 2013, online). For international companies, Qatar has much attraction such as: Modern network of roads and ports, as well as a state of the art airport Developed telecommunication network Peace and security with very low rate of crimes Political stable environment No discrimination for foreign investor and legal protection Land can be leased on nominal price Qatar exchange provides liquidity and numerous investment instruments through implementing world best practices Other incentives for international companies include sponsored or minimal rates for gas and electricity, no import duty on equipment, machine and spare parts for manufacturing schemes, tax exemptions on business and no export duty among others. Other benefits for employees include tax free wages, brilliant medical and educational facilities and highly advance telecommunication facilities (Qatars Investment Environment, n.d. online). Mode of Entry: Decisions regarding the means of an organizations entry to specific foreign markets are amongst the utmost important that its management will ever have to take. When an entrance mode in to host market has been selected, its execution has important inferences for a wide range of global marketing concerns. Certainly, a companys whole international marketing package might be significantly determined by how it selects to enter into foreign states. Thus, time and effort necessarily be dedicated to the decision-taking procedure, and widespread market investigation may be involve. In most of the circumstances the choice to enter a new market is a long-standing strategic choice. Thus it is a very vital and key step for corporations. The success of a companys global tasks depends greatly on the choice of entrance mode into a new market (Doole, 2008, p231) The OLI or eclectic approach to the study of foreign direct investment (FDI) developed by John Dunning is a particularly useful way of thinking about multinational enterprises (MNEs) and has motivated a great deal of useful work in economics and international business. According to this model a corporation must own three benefits while taking into account entry in a foreign market. These include ownership, location and internalization (Dunning, 1988). These benefits are the key source of inspiration and define the FDI firms entry strategy into new market. OLI stands for Ownership, Location, and Internalization, three potential sources of benefit that may motivate a firms choice to enter into international market. Ownership advantages discuss of why some companies but not others go overseas and propose that a successful international organisation has some firm-specific benefits which allow it to overcome the operational costs in a foreign country. Location advantages stress on the examination of where a firm chooses to locate. Finally, Internalisation states to the best interest of the businesses having ownership benefits to transfer them across national boundaries inside the company, rather than selling them or the right to use them to foreign firms (Buckley, 2011). Internet: The Internet is a new and innovative way to access the markets all around the globe for many organisations. There are many companies that have emerged as the Internet has advanced, as well as many old companies have adopted this new approach. For some corporations the Internet is an additional channel that improves or replaces their old-style networks. In any case internet has provided many new ways of business in the whole world (Palmer, 2012). Exporting: There are  two ways of exporting: direct  and  indirect. Direct exporting is straightforward. The firm creates an obligation to market in host country on its own behalf. I this way company can have better grip over its product and tasks in the foreign market. Other way of exporting is to employ agency at home which will handle all the exporting activities on the behalf of manufacture to get its product into and this way of exporting is called indirect export (Zahra et al 2000) Franchising: A overseas company take on the parents companys whole business setup in the local market and its name, logos, business approaches, premises, etc The franchisor also offers in return for a royalty and fee, a range of additional management facilities including training, practical advice and even financial assistance (Bennet 1999, p.312). Licensing In licensing, businesses signs an agreements with external businesses, which is also called license that permit the overseas firms to officially produce and sell the  companys goods and services. The foreign corporations will either buy the license and pay regular licensing fee or pay a part of their income over which is also called royalty. A lot manufacturing firms use this way to enter into foreign markets. It provides quick and inexpensive way of market entry, but provides them less control in market (Bennett Blythe 2002, p203) Joint Venture Joint Venture has become most popular mode of entry in past couple of decades. In this mode of entry two  businesses combine resources to sell products or services. Though joint ventures provide foreign companies with a partner knowledgeable in the foreign market, these partnerships can be problematic to manage and need a distribution of incomes (Cateora et al, 1999, ) Overseas Manufacturing or Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) A company may choose that none of the other choices are as feasible as completely possessing a  foreign business. The firm can invests directly into the overseas market. This is also identified as Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). The companies establish new business or might buy a current business that is suitable for his mission and strategic objective in the overseas market. The key advantage of this approach is that company becomes local and company can meet the demand and choice of the customer by gaining local market knowledge. The major drawback of this mode of entry is that it requires huge investment and investment risk involved in it (Shankar Luo 2007, p.297). Assessment of Modes of Entry in Qatar: Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. is an American  multinational  retail corporation that has number of department stores and warehouse stores. The company is worlds largest retailor and third largest multination organisation. It has more than 8,500 stores in 15 different of the world. It works in different countries with different names.   It runs in Mexico as  Walmex, in the UK as  Asda, in Japan as  Seiyu. It has recently started his business in India as Best Price. It has entirely owned subsidiaries in Argentina, Brazil, and Canada. LuLu Hypermarkets, is Gulf based retail stores and consider as a trend setter of the retail industry in  GCC including Qatar. Nowadays, LuLu represents excellence retailing with number stores and has been an immediate success with the perceptive shoppers across the country. In case of franchising a companys name, logos, business approaches and premises is compulsory to produce and market products or services. Where as in licensing, businesses sign contracts with external firm that permit the foreign firms to officially produce and sell the  companys goods and services. But these modes of entry are not feasible for Wal-Mart and LuLu. One corporation is global giant where as other has excellent position in the local market and they does not need to share the resources of each other. The purpose of the Wal-Mart is international expansion and gets the strategic advantage by getting into of worlds fastest growing economy. Product quality levels and lower revenues are major problems of licensing and franchising (Bennet 1999, pp.311-312).In Joint ventures organisation cannot take any particular choice independently. However, fast decisions are needed in ever changing international market. Conflicts are quite common in joint ventures and this monde of entry w ould also be not acceptable by Wal-Mart to enter into Qatar. Wal-Mart Strategic Takeover of Lulu Hypermarket (Assumption): Assumption: Wal-Mart will completely take over the lulu-Hypermarket after buying its 100% stake. Wal-Mart management will take over the full control and make independent decision. The Lulu-Hypermarket will work under the same name in the market only adding a part of Wal-Mart family. Now it will work under the management of worlds largest retailer with plenty of experience and skills in retailing. A Part of Wal-Mart Family As a worlds leading retailer and having plenty of resources, Wal-Mart has the ability to buy the 100% stake of Lulu hypermarket and can make it its wholly owned subsidiary as it did about 13 years ago to enter into UK market by acquiring the ASDA. The Wal-Mart can enter into Qatar by using the same approach. This mode of entry is considered to be best when demand for the product seems to be certain. This market entry mode shows that the company has long term strategic plan. By owning LULU hypermarket, Wal-Mart can have following advantages (Bennett Blythe, 2002, p212): lower cost of production Local technical expertise and market knowledge Grants from Government Trained Staff Competitive Advantage Retailing have long-standing market potential in a comparatively politically stable state such as Qatar then having full possession will offer the level of control which is necessary to fully meet the companys strategic marketing intentions. This strategy is a tool to build a build an influential and strong presence in the global markets over a long period of time. In future the Wal-Mart can have huge market share and large profits in Qatari market, but this will not realised overnight. The Wal-Mart has to wait to become the market leader in the country. Sometimes it takes many years gaining an understanding of the local markets, customers and competition before making a major success in the market (Hitt et al 1995). Many multinational companies like Wal-Mart considering for speedy access to market and generate short term by exploiting the opportunity in the growing economy (Cullen Parboteeah 1999, pp.133-135). Takeover to Lulu Hypermarket will give the quick and complete access to the Qatars growing economy. Acquisition of Lulu will provide instant access to a skilled work force, existing customer and established supplier links, recognised brands to the customer, an established distribution network and a direct source of revenue. International Marketing: According to Griffith Hoppner (2013) marketing managers from all over the world are be aware of the growing requirement for their companies to improve the expertise, abilities and familiarity to enter effectively in global markets. The rise of a more open global market, the globalisation of buyer choices and the rapid growth of Internet, all has increased the interdependency and interconnections of countrys economies around the world. The Chartered Institute of Marketing defines marketing as the Management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably (Dann, 2010). Thus, marketing includes (Doole Lowe 2008, p.5): concentrating on the customer demands recognising the best way of customer satisfaction companys motivation to the process of providing that satisfaction Meeting organisational goals In international marketing the strategic components of this structure still apply and the conceptual structure is not going to alter to any noticeable degree when a firm moves into a foreign market. However, there are two key differences. First, there are different planes through which global marketing can be approached and, second, the uncontrollable circumstances of the international marketing environment. Therefore, international marketing is more complex, multidimensional and challenging (Doole Lowe 2008, pp.5-7). The Marketing Environment in Qatar: There are many environmental analysis models available to analysis the marketing environment of specific country. SLEPT approach is one of these and commonly used international marketing environment analysis through the social/cultural, legal, economic, political and technological dimension. (Doole Lowe 2008, p.7) Social/cultural environment The social and cultural impacts on global marketing are vast. Changes in social circumstances, religion and way of living all have emotional impact on customers observations and purchases behaviour. These differences tell us that consumers across the globe either similar or different and defines the possible universal branding and standardisation. Cultural variances and particularly language changes and religious differences have a major effect on the way a product may be used in a market, such as product name and the advertising campaign (De Mooij, 2010,pp.31-37).  Wal-Mart is going to enter into a country where native language is Arabic. It would have to make sure that all the information about products also be given in Arabic. So that customer can have full facts about product. Another important aspect is that all the products must be halal and fulfil the requirement of Islamic law. These products particularly include meat and dairy or those in which these are used as ingredients. When any company transfers into another nation, it deals with people from different social environments and background. Social values that are important to one community may mean little to another. Existence of all these substantial differences must be kept in mind while making marketing strategy in new country. As the economy of Qatar is growing rapidly people love to go outside for shopping. For Wal-Mart, this social trend of shopping would definitely be helpful to get competitive advantage in the economy. People in Doha are always looking for those places where they can find everything at same place. Legal Environment: The host Countrys legal environment affects the international marketing operations of firms in many ways. A good manager will analyse the legal environment of the country in which the firm is going to operate (Jain, 1989). Good news for Wal-Mart is that is that Qatar has NO taxes. The country is tax free and very attractive place to invest. It can sell thousands of products on very cheap prices. Government of Qatar has made very flexible rule to invest in the country for international companies. Political Environment: Multinational companies such as Wal-Mart usually prefer to invest in a country with a stable and friendly government (Williams, 2006). But such ideal business environment is not easy to find particular in Arab region. But in Qatar the situation is entirely different. Qatari Government is stable and very strong. There is no political dispute or protest reported in recent years as it is happened in other countries of the same region. Economic Environment: The macro as well as micro components of economy has a significant impact on international marketing strategy. Qatar is growing from several years with continuous high real GDP growth rate which has made it a country with highest per capital income. Qatars economy depends on its enormous resources of oil and gas. Peoples living standard and purchasing power are very high. In such economic circumstances Wal-Mart has plenty of business opportunities in Qatar. Basically, the microeconomic environment concerns more with competition in the open market of a country (Jain, 1996, p.189-195). After taking over LULU-Hypermarket, Wal-Mart would not have any significant competitor in the market. Its purpose is international expansion in this way it can quickly expand its business in the region. Technological Environment: The influence of technological developments can be seen in all areas marketing. The capability to collect information on marketplaces, organisation control abilities and the feasibilities of carrying out the business globally have been modernised in recent years with the advances IT and telecommunication (Wilson Gilligan, 2012, pp.145-147). Qatar is a significant joining link in the world telecommunications system. In recent years, it has made outstanding development in the fields of communications, broadcasting, delivery services, roads airports and sea ports which make Qatar an excellent place to invest. Marketing mix: Wal-Mart pricing Strategy: Pricing is a most critical and composite variable in foreign marketing plans. Pricing strategy finally decides a companys capability to remain in an overseas market. The uncertainties in market or economy which are very difficult to predict such as production costs, demand, competition and many other factors fluctuate international price (Ferrell Hartline, 2010, pp.230). International pricing has several processes and complications. In case of Wal-Mart, its corporate headquarter in USA will make all the pricing decisions. Different price-setting tactics are open to them. But before making any decision they would need complete market research and a number of factors effect pricing policies including competitor approach in the market, dumping, and leasing. Marketing managers would work with their abilities through all these composite variables (Jain, 1996, pp.482) Why should people Buy in Qatar from Wal-Mart: A proposed Model Different Low Cost Focus on Niche Market Source: Made by student himself The international objective of Wal-Mart is to have retail prices at lowest possible cost and the corporation has been very successful to get this goal in the international market. A person can at least 15 present by shopping in Wal-Mart. Its excellent corporate culture and availability of advance technical expertise coupled with professionalism make it possible to achieve its ultimate goal of providing the lowest prices possible in the international market. Wal-Mart should ente

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Romanicism In 19th Century Lit Essay -- essays research papers

#1)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  If one were to look up realism in the thesaurus, romanticism will be found as the antonym. However in the works of Harriet Prescott Spofford and Kate Chopin these two elements go hand in hand. Focusing on Spofford’s short story, â€Å"Circumstance,† and Chopin’s short story, â€Å"The Storm,† these two selections maintain a smooth transition between realism and romanticism.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In Harriet Prescott Spofford’s â€Å"Circumstance† she tells of a woman who is visiting a sick neighbor. Where they live neighbors are miles apart, with the woods between being home for many wild animals, as well as Indian tribes. The woman stays with the neighbor too long and does not realize night is approaching, and she hurries home. Spofford begins the story in a very realistic tone. On her way home she is attacked by a sort of mountain lion. Spofford gives a romantic description of the beast, never giving the exact name of the animal. â€Å"Suddenly, a swift shadow, like the fabulous flying-dragon, writhed through the air before her, and she felt herself instantly seized and borne aloft. It was that wild beast- the most savage and serpentine and subtle and fearless of out latitudes- known by hunters as the Indian Devil.† (86) In her definition she keeps the beast from being real. Describing the animal as a beast, a flying dragon, and a devil gives the reader a mysterious impression of the animal, rather than being realistic and calling this flying dragon ...

Monday, August 19, 2019

Russia Essays -- History, Politics, Boris Yeltsin

Russia, an Eastern European country held under Soviet control in the aftermath of the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. However, Soviet control would later on collapse in December 1991, as the nation started transitioning towards democracy. Although Russia would transition from socialist to democratic, it was actually a time of political instability with direct military involvement and public widespread protest. A time in which, President Boris Yeltsin (executive) was in a heated confrontation with the Russian Parliament (legislature formerly formed by the Congress of People’s Deputies and the Supreme Soviet) towards legitimate government authority between executive-legislative relations through amending the provisions of the Constitution. Therefore, it is remembered throughout history as the Constitutional Crisis of 1993 that many political analysts observed the events that took place before the actual crisis to explain, why the nation faced political instability during the pro cess of democratization. It all began to take root on early January of 1992 as Boris Yeltsin, who was faced with â€Å"One of the most urgent challenges†¦for rescuing the sinking Russian economy† (Breslauer 2002: 153), as he took the initiative to put into effect his economic reform to alleviate the economy. Consequently, it caused many industries to go out of business as prices soon began to skyrocket, which caused spending to take a drastic downturn and taxes to escalate further. Soon afterwards Yeltsin’s reform began to be viewed as being too radical which caught Parliament’s attention for his actions being somewhat â€Å"unconstitutional† because â€Å"He was an autocrat who, without regard to formal constraints†¦acted in unpredictable ways to achieve his goals† (Rose... ...ocess of democratization? First, it started when Boris Yeltsin brought in a free market economic reform, but Parliament viewed it being too radical, which influenced their decision to deny the reframing of the constitution. It then led to a series of clashes throughout 1992-1993 as executive-legislative relations struggle for legitimate authority of the nation. Then, it came to a climax as the masses led a widespread protest towards the unstable conditions of the government, which escalated into a merciless conflict. Finally, it came to a resolution with Yelstin’s commanding the army to shoot down the Parliament White House, which led to their inevitable defeat and Yeltsin’s victory. At last, these events explain the political instability within the nation because Yeltsin struggled to transition towards Democracy, while Parliament wanted to retain Soviet values.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

College Admissions Essay: The Grand Tour :: College Admissions Essays

The Grand Tour    I had many objectives for my trip to Europe. These objectives included making drawings, researching aspects of Western European art and culture, and purchasing research materials while completing an extensive Museum tour beginning in Italy and concluding in Amsterdam.    My trip was eventful, and I did complete my original objectives. I spent six weeks in Florence Italy making drawings under the direction of Professor Barry Gealt, and while there toured the city of Florence and the Tuscan region extensively, visiting the Florentine Ufizzi Galleries, the Venetian wonder of San Rocco and San Marco, as well as the Roman Coliseum.    In search of French hospitality, and the likes of Monet, David, and Gericault, my art historical whirlwind tour landed me in the south of France, then on to the beautiful cities of Spain. While in Spain I visited Barcelona and toured the fairytale buildings of Antonio Gaudi, and rambled down the amazing Ramblas corridor in search of Tapas and spontaneous street performances. Leaving Barcelona, I had my eyes set on seeing the Spanish masters housed in the glowing walls of Madrid's Prado museum. As the intense museum tour rolled on I visited the home and museum of the nineteenth century master Sorrolla, and made drawings of his masterworks. It was from Madrid that I was able to catch a midnight train to Pamplona, arriving just in time to see the annual running of the bulls. I too had to run to catch my next train to Paris to ensure my visit to the Louvre.    It may seem that seeing painting after painting in each city I visited would dampen even the most zealous art enthusiast, on the contrary each new city brought on a new level of understanding that slides in a lecture hall or slick pages of a textbook cannot. To understand the influence of a cultural climate on an artists work while backpacking through the city that was their home is an incomprehensible experience.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Project Manager Roles and Responsibilities Essay

The Project Manager is the person responsible for developing, in conjunction with the Project Sponsor, a definition of the project. The Project Manager then ensures that the project is delivered on time, to budget and to the required quality standard (within agreed specifications). He/she ensures the project has sufficient resources and manages relationships with a wide range of groups (including all project contributors). The Project Manager is also responsible for managing the work of consultants, allocating and utilizing resources in an efficient manner and maintaining a co-operative, motivated and successful team. Additional responsibilities include: managing and leading the project team,  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   recruiting project staff and consultants, managing co-ordination between the partners and working groups engaged in project work, detailed project planning and control. Control would incorporate: Developing and maintaining a detailed project plan. Managing project deliverables in line with the project plan. Maintaining records of and managing project issues. Resolving conflicts at project level. Managing project scope and change control and escalating issues where necessary. Monitoring project progress and performance. Providing status reports to the project sponsor. Managing project training within the defined budget. Liaison with, and updates on progress to, the project steering board/senior management. Managing project evaluation and dissemination activities. Managing consultancy input within the defined budget. Final approval of the design specification. Working closely with users to ensure the project meets business needs. Definition and management of : â€Å"User Acceptance Testing† stage. Identifying user training needs and devising and managing user training programmes. As an illustration of the roles and responsibilities of a Project manager, I am going to use the simple example of changing the wheel of a car with one person in charge (project manager). In the exposition that follows, the steps followed will be under the headlines of the five essential ones outlined in the PMBOK: Initiating The initiating stage in replacing a punctured car-wheel is the process of preparing to replace the wheel. To begin with, the project manager, or whoever is overseeing the operation, ensures that all the tools necessary for the job are available. The tools necessary in this case would comprise the jerk, wheel spanner, the unique key-for some car models, maybe some props such as stones where there is a possibility of the car slipping downhill and finally, labor. Planning   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Once the initiating stage is completed, we move on to the planning stage whereby different strategies are proposed and quickly debated with one being agreed upon. The role of the project manager in this stage is to ensure that everyone is given an opportunity to express their opinions on how best to approach the problem. Then, he/she should harmonize every participant’s views and in cases if the group cannot reach a resolution unanimously, he/she should apply his/her critical thinking abilities and skills in choosing the most reasonable approach that would be most efficient, effective and feasible. The planning would entail deciding which nuts to unscrew first e.g. diagonally, where to place the jerk and the props and where to put the tools and nuts in such a manner as to ensure they don’t get lost or pose a hazard to any of the team members. The Plan will also incorporate delegation of duties amongst the team members i.e. deciding who will place the jerk, who will unscrew the nuts, who will carry the spare wheel, and who will screw the new wheel back. The delegation of duties should be fair such that no member feels exploited or alienated and it is the work of the project manager to study everyone’s character and tell who is suited best for what. The final parts of the plan involve training participants as necessary, scheduling everything, and monitoring progress. Executing or Implementation   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   After initiating and planning, finally the time comes to put the plan into action. During this stage, the team implements the strategy decided upon with a view to achieving the intended objective. The team removes the bad wheel and replaces it with one that is in good condition. The work of the project manager is to ensure that each participant plays his/ her assigned role and that the operation goes according to plan by correcting any digressions and getting rid of any impediments that might arise in the course of the implementation. Controlling and Monitoring   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As to controlling and monitoring, this entails putting measures in place in anticipation of pitfalls during the process of implementing the plan. Pitfalls to be anticipated might include: some members do not like the roles they are assigned and so they don’t play their roles with the necessary devotion. Also it is possible   that some members might want to sabotage the project for any of a number of reasons or one of the tools gets damaged and cannot be repaired in time for the work at hand. To avoid alienation, the project manager should make every member feel as though they own the project and when it succeeds the glory will be shared and the benefits mutual. In addition, the project manager has the responsibility of ensuring that, if a member were assigned a role he/she does not like, they are free to voice their concerns so that a speedy resolution is sought. The speedy resolution could be training or instruction where a member is assigned work they do not know how to do. Alternatively, members could swap roles to resolve any stalemates. Finally, a backup plan should be in place to cater for unanticipated hitches. Closing   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In finishing up, the project manager should ensure the team tightens the nuts to the required extent and remove the jerk and props. He/she should also ensure that any member who sustains any injury should be attended to and all the tools-wheel spanners, jerk, props, key- together with the bad wheel are all returned and checked to ensure they are in good condition, then put in their respective places of storage. BIBLIOGRAPHY K. Bainey, The Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK), 3rd ed. Project Management Institute, New Jersey, 2004

Friday, August 16, 2019

Book Report: Thus Spoke Zarathustra Essay

The Book The controversial fiction book of Existentialist Friedrich Nietzsche titled ‘Thus Spoke Zarathustra’ was originally written in German in late Eighteenth Century. This fiction book, which was completed between 1883 and 1885, tells about the author’s philosophy of ‘the eternal recurrence of the same,’ his most contentious story on the ‘death of God’, and his introduction of the concept of the overman (Repeboom, 2001). Thus Spake Zarathustra represents the philosophy of its own author, as well as his concept of ethics and morality which— according to him— must be taken into account by men. The book’s main character personifies Nietzsche’s moral ideals as against the morality of his time. In presenting his philosophy and his ideals of morality, Nietzsche satirically and apparently appropriated for himself a biblical style. By doing so, Nietzsche showed his strong opposition to Judea-Christian concept of God and morality. Synopsis ‘Thus Spoke’ centers on the conjured journey of Zarathustra— from his ten years of seclusion in the wilderness up to his long travels in the low-land where he met with several kinds of personalities and where he declared that God is dead and preached his own concept of morality. The name Zarathustra actually came from a historical figure Zoroaster, the Persian diviner who founded Zoroastrianism. However the rationale of Nietzsche in writing the book is to present a new form or notion of Zarathustra, whose literary purpose is to introduce a new concept of morality that is totally different from Judea-Christian ethics and morality. With this Nietzsche claimed that it was his fictitious character Zarathustra who is the â€Å"first moralist† (Nietzsche et al, 1989, p.327). Nietzsche went on by saying that it was Zarathustra who thought and spoke of the eternal struggle between good and evil. One of the popular lines or quotations in the book is that famous aphorism â€Å"God is dead,† a concept which was popularized by Nietzsche. However, the most significant pillar of the story is the concept of overman, translated from the German word ‘Ubermensch’ (Nietzsche, 2004, p.56). According to Nietzsche, the overman is man’s symbol of self, as well as the concepts of ‘self-overcoming,’ ‘self-direction,’ self-cultivation,’ and ‘self-mastery’ (Nietzsche et al, 1989). In the story, Zarathustra was 30 years old when he practically abandoned his home and decided to live in the mountains ((Nietzsche, 2004, p.1). After ten years of living in the wilderness, Zarathustra decided to leave the mountains to preach his new found knowledge and gospel to the people in the lowland. On his way down he met different kinds of individuals like a saint, the backworldsmen, the pale criminal, the preachers of death, the priests, and the virtuous, among others. The finale the book’s main character’s preaching is the principle of eternal recurrence. This doctrine postulates the eternal repetition of all events. Based on the philosophical concept of Nietzsche, only the overman cal fully understand said doctrine, because it is only him who has the will power to assume conscientiousness and accountability for all aspects of his life and to desire nonentity more than for every moment to happen over and over again. Zarathustra has a problem confronting this concept of eternal recurrence, since he cannot accept the notion that the weakness of the masses will happen again ad infinitum without any progress or development. At the last part of the novel, Zarathustra gathers in his cavern in the mountain several individuals who have not yet achieve the status of an overman. In his cave, Zarathustra and his men enjoy a banquet and express their joy by singing several songs. At the end of the book, Zarathustra finally embraced the doctrine of eternal recurrence, as well as the notion that â€Å"joy is deeper still that grief can be† (Nietzsche, 2004, p.310). The Concept of Overman One of the most controversial ideas introduced by Nietzsche is the concept of overman. According to Nietzsche, the status of an overman is what men should achieve. However, one cannot achieve this status without forsaking the values instilled upon him by the contemporary religious and ideological structures that continuously poison his way of thinking and his values. During Nietzsche’s time, the concept of morality was dominated and dictated by the Catholic Church. All societal norms, doctrinal beliefs, religious traditions, and mystical ideas were deeply associated and strongly connected with the religious teachings and dogmatic beliefs of the Catholic Church. With this, Nietzsche presented his idea of an ideal man— the overman— through his fiction book titled Thus Spoke Zarathustra (Nietzsche, 1967). In this book, Zarathustra at the age of thirty spent 10 years living in the wilderness and enjoying his independence and seclusion. When Zarathustra decided to leave the mountain to preach and spread his new-found gospel or idea to the mob of people below, he met a number of different types of people like the priests, the pitiful, the magician, the virtuous, the tarantulas, the last man, to name a few (Nietzsche, 1967). One of the classes of person he met is a saint who devoted all his life and works to God. Zarathustra was greatly surprised that the man was never informed that God is dead. There, Zarathustra asserts that â€Å"man is something which ought to be overcome† (Rosen & Gillespie, 2000). By overcoming ‘man,’ an individual must create his own virtuous according to his own will or purpose in life. By doing so, he becomes a creator of values and not an absorber of the same. Zarathustra also declares and claims that man is tied between the beasts and the overman, and thus the humanity must seek for the coming of the overman by being true to the world and this life and by deserting the morals and ethical standards that poisoned man’s mind and his values. In presenting the overman as the creator of virtues, Nietzsche also rebuked all the established values and morals of his time. The concept of overman is something that is higher in standards and in terms of values than the men who subordinated their will and live to a structure that preaches for the departure of human soul from earth. Being a creator of values, must live according to his morals and based on what he thinks is right, and nor according to anybody’s will or to society’s moral standards.   In some of his works which were published on the Gay Science, Nietzsche identified at least two structures that set the values and moral standards that should not be imbibed by any man who aspires to be an over man (Allison, 2001). One of which is the religious structure or the Catholic Church that preaches predominant Christian values. Christian dogma and other religious beliefs advocate for the virtue of meekness and pity. Nietzsche through Zarathustra contends the absence of any virtue in being humble if a person is too feeble to be able of being otherwise. Thus, this means that meekness is never a desired virtue if man fails to live as an individual who creates values. The doctrinal foundation of Christian faith is against the values by which the overman lives for. Nietzsche enumerated the three sins that can be committed against God. These sins are the following— sex, the desire for power, and selfishness. These things, based on the existentialist moral code of Nietzsche, should neither be condemned nor abandoned. This is because all these three, when chased with good intent and a clear conscience, are essential to man’s existence, power and life. The overman needs all three for his pursuit of happiness. This is to say— based on Nietzsche’s Existentialist ideals that happiness, therefore, is the goal of every virtuous man. On the other hand, state or government is so strong a superstructure in setting substandard morale codes and values. This is the reason of Nietzsche in presenting his concept of overman. Based on the philosopher’s personal works, the state is a potent menace to a free and happy life because it seeks to shape populace into a middling, unthinking multitude. Apart from this, the state also advocates for the propagation of the egalitarian principle of democracy that glorifies the meekness of the weak and impedes the growth of the strong-willed and the creative. Critical Evaluation However, it must be carefully noted that Nietzsche’s argument in his fiction novel that â€Å"God is dead† should not be taken literally. One of the central concepts of the book is the pronouncement made by Zarathustra in one of his many sermons that God is dead. This statement should be taken in its figurative sociological meaning or essence than as a spiritual, mystical account. In the book, god represents a metaphysical structure that continues to poison the minds of men. This doctrinal poison is what preventing from attaining the status of an overman. By saying that God is dead, what Zarathustra means to say is that the arrival of the overman signals the end of the obsolete and old-fashioned moral code of the Christian faith that had become the binding force of all social, political and spiritual lives of people in the medieval ages (Nishitani, Parkes & Aihara, 1990). It means that the Christian concept of good and evil had already lost its grip on our culture and norms. According to Nietzsche, the society’s and religious’ concept of the eternal struggle between good and evil was philosophically flawed and defective. This is because the Christian faith and other religious doctrines consider many things that are good to man evil, like sex, power, and selfishness. Religious institutions, particularly the Chatholic Church, which was the dominant religious denomination during Nietzsche’s time, considered man’s pursuit of happiness as evil. Everything that gratifies man is considered evil, while everything that highlights man’s weaknesses and sacrifice is deemed good and virtuous— the meek and the poor in spirit are virtuous. On the other hand, those who seek to follow their will to power, and those who desire selfishness and power are considered evil-doers. They are society’s troublemakers who need to repent for their sins in order to be saved by a higher being or a supernatural power. Thus, Nietzsche’s purpose in presenting Zarathustra as the preacher of new yet controversial values, which must be achieved by man alone, and in introducing his concept of overman who must create his own values are the main foundation of his philosophy Existentialism. Existentialism is the philosophy that postulates that individuals themselves generate the significance and quintessence of their lives (Kaufman, 1989). It means that man must live according to his will. This is what Nietzsche actually posited in his book titled ‘The Will to Power’ (Nietzsche et al., 1968). By Nietzsche’s definition, Zarathustra is indeed overman— someone who creates values and who emphasizes the importance of self. The hero in his fiction book embodies what men should do or go through to attain the status or essential level of an overman. For about ten years, Zarathustra abandoned all his material possessions and went to live alone in the wilderness, away from the mob and safe from the values of the Christian faith and the indoctrination of the state. Zarathustra did not suffer simply because he does not believe in suffering. His goal is the pursuit of happiness. An overman is someone who rebukes the sacrifice of an individual, and who cherishes personal gratification like sex, selfishness and desire for power. This is because these three elements of personal pleasure are considered evil by society and by the moral codes of the dominant religious institution. By presenting Zarathustra as a paradigm of an overman, Nietzsche means that man must live independently according to his will and not to the values and moral codes of the Church and the state (Emmanuel, 2001). To be an overman, man must create his own values according to his image and not to the image of the society where he lives. Bibliography: Allison, D. (2001). Reading the New Nietzsche. Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield CBC Arts (2007). Artist behind Biejing’s bird’s nest stadium boycotts Olympics. CBC News Website. August 11. Retrieved September 22, from Emmanuel, S. (2001). The Blackwell guide to modern philosophers. Boston: Blackwell Publishing Kaufman, W. (1989). Existentialism from Dostoyevsky to Sartre. New York: Meridan Publishing Company Nietzsche, F., Kaufmann, W. (ed), & Hollingdale, R.J. (1844-1900). The Will to Power. Germany, Nietzsche. Nietzsche, F. & Levy, C. (1967). Thus Spake Zarathustra. Washington: Plain Label Books Nietzsche, F.W. (2004). Thus Spake Zarathustra. Massachusetts: Kessinger Publishing Nietzsche, F.W., Kaufmann, W., Kaufmann, W.A, Hollingdale, R.J. (1989). On the genealogy of morals: Ecce Homo. London: Vintage Books Nishitani, K., Parkes, G. & Aihara, S. (1990). The Self-overcoming of Nihilism. New York: SUNY Press Pereboom, C.G. (2001). Existentialism: Basic Writings. Indiana: Hacket Rosen, S. & Gillespie, M. (200). The mask of enlightenment. London: Yale University Press Secondary resources: Nietzsche, F.W. (1974). The Gay Science: With a prelude in German rhymes and an appendix of songs. New York: Random House Pippin, R. (2006). Nietzsche: Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Chicago: University of Chicago Press Yovel, Y. (1986). Nietzsche as affirmative thinker. New York: Springer